Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)
It is a branch of dentistry that aims to protect the primary and permanent teeth of children aged 0-14 in a healthy way, and to eliminate the herediter problems or the other problems caused by caries, trauma in these teeth.
It is known that the incidence of dental caries in children in our country is between 80-90%. Malnutrition and not paying attention to oral hygiene are among the most important reasons. Giving milk at nights, giving the pacifier dipped in some sweet foods such as jam and honey, and not paying attention to tooth brushing are the main causes of caries formation.
Baby Bottle Caries: It occurs as a result of taking long-term milk especially at night while sleeping. While the first teeth are erupting, feeding with carbohydrate-rich liquids can lead to severe tooth decay before the age of two.